Off-grid pantry planner

Hey, thanks for coming back for another Frugal Friday video! This is the third Frugal Friday video (FF3) on my Youtube channel. <— You can subscribe to my channel at that link!

So, I thought with it being the end of the year, now was a good time to bring this topic: saving money on planners, organizers or schedulers…whatever you want to call them. You can actually waste a LOT of money on tools for organization if they don’t fit.

I have finally learned a thing or two about myself when it comes to using (and not using) planners. Watch my video below to find out! If you can’t see the video – click here.

Below the video I share a list of linked resources that I mentioned in the video!

I am using my affiliate links below.


~ My 2016 planner
~ I have an older Scotch laminator – find affordable laminators here.
~Repositionable tabs
~ How I made my laminated homeschool planner
~ My Pinterest Board where I keep my planner printables

So, what’s your experience with planners been? Tell me in the comments.

You can go directly to my Frugal Friday Video Series on Youtube here if you’d like.

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