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Probably my favorite thing about seasonal decor, any season, is the sparkly lights! And, since seasons are – seasonal I keep small white lights on a couple fake trees in my living room so we can enjoy the lights all year round in the evenings. I want to share with you a 30% off code to get a Crabpot Christmas Tree that you can use outdoor or indoor anytime of year!




“Crab Pot Christmas Trees are remarkable, perfectly shaped trees that are pre-lit, fold flat for storage, sparkle from EVERY angle and are easily set up.  What makes these holiday trees so unique and the MUST HAVE of the season for home decor? Crab Pot Christmas Trees are made from the very durable PVC Coated Crab Pot Wire which withstands all that Mother Nature throws at it.  Want to see these fold flat Crab Pot Christmas Trees?  Check out the fold flat trees in this video, because seeing is believing and this is how you can make the season sparkle with ease.  My Readers $ave 30% Off  Crab Pot Christmas Trees that fold flat & sparkle from every angle Code:USFG16



This is not a paid post but I am looking forward to receiving a Crabpot Christmas Tree of my own for review purposes as well as for sharing their special discount code with you!  I’ll share pictures here on my blog as well as tell you how my experience with it went.




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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.