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The Virtual Homeschool Coop is back in session and as part of this collaboration I am answering the question: Is my homeschool structured or relaxed?


This is the first assignment for the 2016-2017 year. Are you a homeschooler? Would you like to be part of the VHC collaboration?  You can visit the Virtual Homeschool Coop here to learn how you can join in the fun of sharing your homeschooling experience or just read/watch what other homeschooling moms are sharing! Something someone shares from this group is bound to encourage you in your homeschooling 🙂 .


Is my homeschool structured or relaxed?! Vlog / Video


I mention in this video/vlog another video I have on my Youtube channel showing my homeschool corner and shelf organization as well as the boys workbooks. This is our seventh year homeschooling and the boys are in seventh and fifth grade.



Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel before you go! I have more Virtual Homeschool Coop video/vlogs to share in addition to travel and product reviews.



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