Off-grid pantry planner


I don’t often get crafty because I’m so busy with other things, but that changed for a quick week or so recently when I had some secondhand items and a bit of inspiration. I put my diy hat on and got to work. I already showed you the new look I gave this secondhand candle lantern. Today I want to share a simple old frame makeover that I think turned into a cute piece of art!


Old Frame Makeover -From Frumpy to Piece of Art!


Don’t underestimate what a little leftover spray paint, hot glue and one string of beaded garland can do for an old wood frame!


I think it looks beautiful in the window with the plants. I could easily hang this on the wall as well. The frame had a nice thick sturdy strand of wire across the back. You can see it in the pic below. I had to remove the cardboard and glass that came with the frame, too. The glass didn’t come out for me the easy way so I laid it over the waste basket and pounded the glass out – breaking it into the trash.


How I turned an old wood frame into a cute piece of art!


With the glass and cardboard backing gone I was now able to spray paint it white and begin hot gluing my beaded wire garland I purchased at a craft store.  I think I used the whole strand of wire garland on the frame.


As you’ll see in the step by step pics further down, I put a bit of hot glue starting in the corner of the back of the frame to adhere the garland to. Then I just stretch the wire garland and glued from side to side.


From frumpy old frame to piece of art!

I used beaded floral wire and glued it from side to side at the back of the frame.



So, below I’ll show some pics of how it was done. I had a bit of leftover spray from a previous project (painting a stool about  a year ago). I took the two projects I mentioned in this post (lantern and frame) outside to paint. I didn’t want to cover the whole thing in solid white. Both got just enough to do the job. You can see the lantern makeover here.


Simple diy home decor projects. Old Frame Makeover


And there you go! I’m definitely pleased with how my “piece of art” turned out and that it didn’t cost much money to do at all!


From old wood frame to beautiful piece of art!





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