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Hey, I discovered that Periscope just wasn’t my thing some weeks ago – and I mean to do anything with, at this time. And, if I can say this…I really really don’t like adding more new social channels to my already busy life. I mean, I really drug my feet about joining Pinterest way back when (and I LOVE it now!).  I’m barely warm on Google+ even though I do try to post there, too.


Join me on Facebook Live at my page


Facebook is really easy to use and I’ve been there for so long, well, doggone it, I started doing Facebook Live videos. Yes, even though I have been making Youtube videos for years (and will continue to do so).


Now you can catch me LIVE on Facebook on Tuesday and Thursday mornings somewhere around …well, in the mornings close to 9 or 10am. I don’t have a set time and truly that may change. It’s just that the house is quiet and that’s when I squeeze in about 10 minutes (could be 20 like yesterday) to tell you something that I think is worth sharing!


If you’re up and on Facebook please join me here on Tuesdays and Thursdays! If you’re not available you can always come check out the video later as I post them right away. And, thank you for being a reader of my blog. I do welcome your feedback and welcome more interaction with my readers – so say hi, please 🙂 .


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