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If you didn’t know by now, I have been on Youtube since about 2010, maybe 2008 (I’d have to go look). I finally made that “intro video” that Youtube has made a place for – and why now? Well, I, sort of by chance, saw that Just Sew Trish wanted to pull homeschool Youtubers together for a Virtual Homeschool Co-op. (If you want to join in I’ll put a link at the end of this post so you can find the channel and ask Trish to add you).


In my video below I tell you a bit about myself, our homeschooling and what to expect from my Youtube channel. This means you can expect more homeschool related videos from me in the near future – of course, along with my Ohio family fun review and anything else I want to video 🙂 .



The Virtual Homeschool Co-op is in the process of getting put-together, but you can see some of the members’ intro videos here as well. I hope you’ll subscribe to my channel and feel free to chat with me in the comments here or there!

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