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Soraya Coffelt reached out to me several weeks ago asking if I’d review her books from The Love Letters Book Series for kids. I don’t have time to do many book reviews, but I felt these would be a good fit. This is not a paid post and opinions are my own. I’m also using my affiliate links.


Truly, I’m not aware of many (if any) books for kids that balance secular holidays with the truth found in Christianity. For example, the whole issue with Santa.


The Love Letters Book Series


Not all parents teach their kids to believe in fairy-tale characters as if they are real (let’s be honest here, there is no fat guy in a red suit sliding down chimneys to drop off presents). If you feel comfortable teaching your kids to believe in fairy-tale characters that’s your prerogative.


While we choose to not do that, we have allowed our kids to sit on “Santa’s” lap at the mall and tell him what they want for Christmas. We’ve taught them the truth, these are “actors”…just like the giant Clifford or other costumed actors who do guest appearances at the malls from time to time.


As you’ll see below, Soraya is a Christian and her heart is to point children to the truth while acknowledging we have these fun fairy-tale characters incorporated in our holidays. She separates fact from fiction from a child’s perspective in her “The Love Letters Books Series”, I really like this. This is why I’ve felt her books are rare.


Secular holiday characters from a Christian perspective in The Love Letters Book Series


Each book is written from the child-author’s view to the holiday character (Santa, the Turkey, the Pumpkin). through this gentle approach the child is in control of sharing the truth while recognizing the fairy-tale fun.


The Love Letters Book Series has great reviews (as you’ll see at the links below) and includes:


An inside peek at The Love Letters Book Series


Each of the books in The Love Letters Book Series has over 25 pages and ends with the invitation to the child to make Jesus Lord of their life.


Each book is made of great quality in my opinion with tight binding and the artwork/illustrations are very well done. The books retail at $8.99 each and all proceeds from the sale of her books go toward her non-profit foundation: As the Stars of the Sky Foundation, Inc. to assist with the physical and spiritual needs of children.


Soraya Diase Coffelt is a widow and mother of two sons. A lawyer and former judge who has volunteered and served as a lay children’s minister for many years. You can visit her website and blog found here at


*See other kids’ books I’ve written about at this link.


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