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So, I fell off my posting schedule this week. My goal has been to post on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays, at least. Hopefully I can make it up to you today by sharing our big homeschool project: Our Homeschool History Timeline.


The boys and I have been working diligently at creating our own homeschooling timeline notebooks using resources I’ve accumulated over the years. This is our sixth year homeschooling so I’ve collected a number of things. And, because I did a video on it…well, videos just take time to complete, I couldn’t get it done yesterday.


Budget-friendly History Timeline for Homeschooling


I mentioned some other posts in the video which I will link to below. If you have any questions please leave me a comment and I’ll try to answer them. You can subscribe to my Youtube channel here. I have over a hundred videos, many of which are about family friendly trip reviews and homeschooling.


I am using my affiliate links to link to the products I’m referencing below.



Links I mentioned in video:

See a video I made of the 15 foot Big Book of History timeline at this link.

Find free clip art and world-history timeline pieces at this post.

As referenced in my video above: Mary, according to the Bible.


Timeline products related to what I use:

I think this Knowledge Quest timeline product may have replaced what I showed in the video.

Knowledge Quest Black Line Maps

The Big Book of History

Classical Conversations Foundations Guide

Classical Conversations Timeline Cards

The Timetables of History by Bernard Grun (may find updated versions)


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