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Every week I’ve been updating you on my 8 Life Areas for improvement. I’ll admit, the “work” part has been my biggest talking point since it’s been taking up so much of my time. I’m trying to grow my blog and it just takes so much time because of the all the nuts and bolts that come into play – especially the technical problems.


Technical difficulties really distract me from doing what I need to do most to grow my blog – writing content and promoting it properly.  Last week was such a week!


Thankfully, that has been solved. I mentioned it here. I don’t know exactly what “fixed it”, but after I had my host strip out my WordPress files and upload a fresh set (cost me $25) and then move my blog to a new server my blog problems were gone.


But, this post is about the homeschooling aspect of my life. So, I did mention here that I would talk about my new homeschooling routine which is working out well.


14+ Activities, Kits & Ideas for Homeschooling fun


My Homeschooling Routine

The boys and I have co-op one day a week and on that day I don’t require much if anything of them, as far as school-work goes, once we’re home.


The classes they do at co-op are home-ec / art, history and two Spanish classes.


Wednesdays are our “specials” day.  Since every other Wednesday we have our Homeschool Lego Club and every Wednesday the boys have Kids Club at church it was just a great idea to make that day of the week a day to do our extra-curricular learning like guitar (on our own with a video), maybe work on Spanish, and other things like the 14 activity kits and ideas for homeschooling I mention below. I think of it as our “fun day”!


The other days of the week the boys do math, science, reading, grammar, English, writing, cursive, and whatever else I have for them.


They have to do all their assignments before they play on their tablets. I find that that motivates my oldest and he gets his work done in good time.


Our youngest needs some play breaks and assistance to get through his work. Sometimes we do an hour of “homework” in the evenings.


14+ Activity Kits and Ideas for Homeschooling


The two areas I’m still working on for them is more structured physical activity and creative activities for them (because they really like to stay on their tablets too much). I was considering the YMCA, but then Joel lost his job. I don’t think it’s wise to sign up for anything like that that has a membership fee and a monthly fee while he’s out of work, even if it is discounted.


Discounted YMCA Membership


Did you know that the YMCA does offer a financial aid discount? You just have to apply for it and see if you qualify. We were granted something like 20-30% off I think? I can’t remember for sure. But even that was too much, I felt, after Joel lost his job. I could have gone back and reapplied and I suppose they may have given me a better discount but I didn’t try.


Homeschoolers may be able to play in Public School Sports


Regardless, Brendan wants to play football so I’ve already been in touch with our public school’s athletic director and he’s given us some info about starting for next season. It’s probably a good idea that we didn’t join the YMCA yet. And, Jack isn’t very interested in sports, period.


It is my understanding that within the past couple years or so a law was passed in Ohio that gives homeschoolers the right to play in public school sports. You may want to check with your local school system about this also, if you homeschool and your child wants to play on a team.


For more info on homeschooling issues: 

Homeschooling resources in Ohio here.

You may want to check out this post too –> homeschooling resources and find the link to the recording when Lori from Prepper Chicks interviewed me.


Activity Kits and Tools for Creative Homeschool Fun


So, I came across a list in one of my No Greater Joy magazines that included many of the following activity ideas and tools and thought it was great. I wanted to share it and any additional ideas I could come up with for enriching a homeschool education.


Keep in mind that you don’t necessarily need to “buy a premade kit”. In some cases you can buy separately or add to a pre-existing stash of supplies you already have at home to put together your own kit. I am using my affiliate links to link to the kits and ideas in my post.


1.  soldering gun

2. woodburning kit

3. jewelry-making kit

4. soft wood and carving knife (woodcarving kit)

5. writing supplies or journal

6. erector set

7. chemistry set

8. recipe books and magazines

9. hot-glue gun

10. sewing kits

11. painting kits for kids

12. Grow and Glow Terrarium

13.  Magnetic Tile Art

14.  Microscope Kit


What fun, creative educational ideas or kits would you add to this list?

Please share in the comments and I may add them to this list or create a new post with the additional ideas!


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