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*This is a sponsored post for Five Below and SheSpeaks.


So, what do pre-teens and teens want at Five Below?


Well, I found out when I took my 16 year old niece and 11 year old son shopping there recently. With a budget of $25 each, they were allowed to shop and, boy, were THEY excited!


What do pre-teens and teens want at @FiveBelow? #shop5b #ad @shespeaksup


I love that everything, everyday, is just $5 and below at Five Below. I still can’t get over how many great things Five Below has. I even found some things for me like the owl patterned washi craft tape, which I bought for myself. I love owls and might just use it on my homeschool planner.


I also found an easy looking guitar chord book and a guitar lesson set! We have a starter guitar at home and I’d like the boys and myself to learn how to play well. I actually took a little piano and guitar when I was younger so I think I could pick up the guitar again and find my way around it a little easier.


Teen shopping-spree at Five Below #ad #shop5b


Shopping at Five Below is a great way to entertain and outfit the family for fun and for very little money. Girls and boys have so many choices! Five Below is a place where kids can spend their own money and have fun doing it because there are so MANY nice things for them to choose from. They can even find some favorite brands like Lego®, Wilson®, Hasbro™and licenses from Disney® and Marvel® such as Star Wars™, Despicable Me™, Frozen™. 


As you’ll see from our pictures, we’ve made more than one trip to Five Below recently. My oldest loves balls… I couldn’t tell you how many we have right now, but – hey, what’s one more right? Right??


My son had a ball at Five Below :) #shop5b #ad


Right now Five Below has a lot of seasonal items for Christmas parties and gift exchanges on display. I even saw some items that would make good white elephant gifts! In fact, I told my high-school psychology students (I teach at our local homeschool co-op) about some of the items I saw at our local Five Below that would be fun for our class gift exchange.


Santa stuff at Five Below #shop5b #ad


Our youngest son reminded me of what he wants for Christmas…Beenie Boos! He also told me he’d like to have one before Christmas…I told him to wait.


Beenie Boos at Five Below #shop5b #ad


I don’t know what your pre-teen or teen want at Five Below, but I know what mine wanted…


Christmas shopping is fun at @FiveBelow #ad #shop5b @shespeaksup


My son picked out a couple posters for the walls in his room and a novelty pillow for his bed. Of course, he wanted a football and a SpongeBob hat because, why not? My niece wanted a hat, hair band, ear buds, and games!


Five Below gets 5 stars from this mom! I would love to fill the boys’ Christmas stockings with treasures from Five Below, but somehow I think they would rather pick out their own. Fortunately, Five Below has gift cards for that!


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