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My family loves Puppy Chow! Now, you may call it something else like Muddy Buddies or chunky monkey or… I don’t know, something else.


Well, call me slow, but, by golly, I figured out how to make this disaster-in-the-making-delicousness in such a way that it requires few dirty dishes and less mess! I am using my affiliate links in this post.

Easy Puppy Chow that's Easy to Clean Up

How to make Puppy Chow that’s Easy to Clean Up

So, I’m at the point in my life where I don’t measure a lot of things exactly. Such is the case with my Puppy Chow. This recipe will use a whole box or about 9 cups of cereal. I’m not picky. I  buy either the Chex brand or the  generic brand of rice or corn “chex” type cereal. You can get gluten free Chex here.


Puppy Chow Recipe & Instructions:

I suggest using half a stick of butter, about 1 to 1 -1/ 2cups of chocolate chips,  1/2- to 1 cup of peanut butter. Some people may like to add a tiny bit of (1 tsp) vanilla, I don’t usually use vanilla.

Put it all in a small to medium glass bowl and microwave on high for about 30 seconds, take it out and stir. You don’t want it to burn. You may need another 30 seconds or so.

How to make Puppy Chow

Set that mixture aside.

Now get out whatever large plastic container you want to store your finished Puppy Chow in when you’re finished. You’re going to use it now for the rest of the steps in this tutorial.


How to make Puppy Chow Easy!

Now that you’ve poured your whole box of cereal (about 9 cups) into this plastic container, you’re going to pour your melted butter, peanut butter, chocolate mixture on top and spread evenly throughout the mix till everything is thoroughly coated.





Now you get pour the powdered sugar onto the coated cereal. Start off with about 2 cups.


Step by Step How to make Easy Puppy Chow

Put the lid on the container (I use a 2 gallon container similar to this) and shake and shake and shake.

Dance a little, shake (the container) some more.


Easy Puppy Chow, Easy Clean Up

And there you go!

How easy was that?! And you, have one bowl and one spoon to wash, maybe one knife if you had to cut a stick of butter in half. And, if you’re simi-careful… you’ve avoided a powdered sugar flying-everywhere disaster!


Easy Puppy Chow that's Easy to Clean Up

This treat is so loved in our home that we will go through a whole batch in about 2-3 days. In fact, one of my boys wanted me to make more tonight! Which reminds me, it’s a good idea to stock up on this type of cereal when it’s on sale so you can make a quick snack of it.

FESTIVE Gift Idea:

Mix in some red and green M&Ms or other chocolate candies (or any candy for that matter) and fill treat bags to hand out to family, friends, school teachers and Sunday School teachers!


Recap! What you need:
1 large plastic container with a lid (similar to this but wouldn’t have to be as big)
1 small to medium microwaveable bowl
1 mixing spoon & 1 knife to cut the butter in half
1 measuring cup unless you just eyeball it like me 🙂
(1 to 1.5 cup) chocolate chips, (1/2 to 1 cup) peanut butter, (1/2 stick) butter, (about 2 cups) powdered sugar, about 9 cups of cereal (gluten free here)


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.