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Easy diy Christmas Ornaments

Last week I had some of my nieces, sisters and mom over for a diy Christmas ornament making party. I plan to share some pictures of  our day with you soon, but first I want to share what I think turned out to be the best ornament of our day. Come to think of it. This may have been the easiest to make, too! I will use my affiliate links in this post to link to related products.

Before the party I had picked out some ornaments that I thought we might like to make and pinned them to a board. Then I made a couple ornaments as examples before the day of the party.

I would say overall most of our diy ornaments ended up in the Pinterest-fail category but certainly not this pool noodle yarn wreath! Just wait, I’ll show some pictures soon. The multi-colored fuzzy yarn was perfect and made these look vintage!

My sister made one or two at the party and I liked them so well that I made three to share with you on my blog. The three in the top picture were made by me and each one took maybe 10 minutes each to do.

Here’s how to make your own easy diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath.

First, You need a pool noodle.

You can buy these at the dollar store when they’re in season. You can view the Dollar Tree Weekly Ad here.

Easy #diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath

Next, you’re going to wrap the yarn. But, I have a tip for you first!

Easy #diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath

My time-saving, sanity-saving tip: gather a super long piece of yarn, as long as you think you need, and cut. Then loop it and you can string the whole bunch of it through the hole of the noodle all-together. This really does work!

Easy #diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath

You’re almost done! It’s that easy.

Easy #diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath

Now you can hang your pool noodle wreath ornament on your Christmas tree or use it all year long on a regular fake tree with lights like mine below. You can even make a set and give them as a gift!

Easy #diy Christmas ornament: pool noodle wreath

You could forget the twine and just hot glue the wreath onto an already existing larger wreath to spruce it up a bit!

The sky is the limit. What other creative uses can you come up with?

Below are some books on making ornaments:

You can view the Dollar Tree Weekly Ad here.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.