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Delicious Greek Yogurt with Orange Young Living essential oil.


That’s it. That picture tells it all pretty much.


See, I don’t like the taste of plain Greek yogurt, but that is what I buy.  Before discovering the deliciousness of adding Young Living Orange essential oil to my yogurt I would eat it with a bit of raw honey and or nuts or maybe some chocolate chips. I know honey is a no-no for weight loss so I’ve been staying away from it.


So, my new favorite healthy treat is a small bowl of plain Greek yogurt, some dark chocolate chips and a couple drops of Young Living Orange essential oil.

I’m thinking Peppermint might be a winner in this, too 😉 .


I also drink my oils like in my Pumpkin Spice (Thieves) Frothy Coffee and Thieves tea. I use Young Living essential oils in my spaghetti sauce too. I roll it on the bottom of my kids’ feet and I’ve used them to actually get rid of skin growths and shrink ugly skin tags on myself. <– I haven’t blogged about that yet, but you better believe that is one of my greatest essential-oil testimonies!


This is the essential oil guide I use and trust to determine which Young Living essential oils are considered safe to consume and how to use the various oils.


I am an independent Young Living distributor. If you’d like more info about Young Living essential oils or would like to sign up so you can get wholesale prices on great Young Living products, email me at

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.