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Cedar Point's Hotel Breakers in Sandusky, Ohio.


Did you know Cedar Point has a hotel, like, right there? As in you walk from the hotel to Cedar Point. And, that’s not all. You can walk out the back door of the hotel to the beach!


Pretty cool.


And, if you are staying at the hotel you can buy your tickets to Cedar Point for something like $39 each (adult tickets). Even cooler!


Starbucks inside Hotel Breakers

 The picture above is Starbucks located inside Hotel Breakers.


Our family had the opportunity to spend the night at Hotel Breakers last month and visit Cedar Point. We even visited the beach and I have video footage of our room and the beach because, why not, right?  🙂


While the kind folks with Cedar Point provided all of this so I could write about it, please note that opinions are mine and my family’s and I am not paid to do this.


Besides the great price on tickets when you stay the night at Hotel Breakers , I have to tell you that this newly renovated 110 year old hotel is BEAUTIFUL; and, our room had ample electrical outlets for plugging in all the devices that come with families these days. This is also GREAT news for those of us planning to attend the Bloggy Conference in September.


So without further ado, here’s the video of our room. Click here if you can’t see it.


And here’s the video of the BEAUTIFUL Hotel Breakers (and the Lake Erie beach). Click here if you can’t see it.



I thought the bed was comfy and the decor light and airy; and, I look forward to staying in the Lake-view Suite for the Bloggy Conference later this year and I have a little more to tell you in another post soon!


Read about some of our past trips to Cedar Point here.



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