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I mentioned in this post that when I first signed up with Young Living (essential oils) I didn’t do auto-ship. I wanted the Premium Starter Kit that came with the great home diffuser and 11 bottles of oils. It was many months before I got serious about wanting to try more oils. In Fall 2014 I signed up for the auto-ship program where you must spend at least $50 (PV) a month in order to earn the points for future free product. You also get wholesale pricing and discounted shipping.


VIDEO: unboxing my Feb 2015 #YoungLiving #YLEO auto-ship


If I was going to start buying these oils on a regular basis, I needed to get the points too. Hello, Essential Rewards (ER)!


Because many people don’t know much about Young Living or the auto-ship/Essential Rewards program I thought it would be good to share my monthly orders via a video with those who are interested. I shared my January order here and today I’m sharing my February order – and sadly, something broke as I tried to unpack it. I’m going to share a tip about how to unpack it. You’ll have to watch me video to see what it is.


With the monthly auto-ship you are committing to spend a minimum of $50 in PV per month before shipping and taxes. You can change  your order every month online so you don’t get the same products sent to you a second time.  I have found that it’s really easy to reach $50. One way to reach this $50 without spending $50 is to share your wholesale pricing and discounted shipping with your family and friends who cannot do the auto-ship.  Products vary in PV value while some (like business supplies) may have no PV value.


If you have any questions about signing up with Young Living as a distributor (like me) or would like to just sign up as a customer under me my name and sponsor/enroller number are Tracy Zdelar #1590280. I really want to grow my downline so it would mean a lot to me to have more people sign up under me. Here’s the essential oil reference guide I own and use (a lot!) to help me know what oils are good for what health issues.

Click here if you cannot see the video (it will not show up in email).


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.