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The Electrifying Nervous System, God's Wondrous Machine


Wow! As a life-long learner myself and homeschooling mom I am excited about this month’s book review: God’s Wondrous Machine: The Electrifying Nervous System for grades 3-6th by Lainna Callentine, M.Ed., M.D. – also a homeschooling mom and pediatrician, new as of November 2014. While I received this book for free to review (I’m one of the Moms of Master Books reviewers), opinions are my own.


This is the first book in a developing nine book series. In addition to this first book, two other books that are being worked on now include The Breathtaking Respiratory System and The Complex Circulatory System.


“The parent/instructor is able to choose and customize hands-on activities that engage a multitude of learning styles and challenge the student to explore life’s big issues. The program is specially designed for lower and upper elementary level students, including advanced learners with middle school proficiency!”


Use this as a…

  1. Unit Study
  2. Curriculum
  3. Supplemental Resource


Vocabulary is broken down into three skill levels

  • Level 1
  • Level 2
  • Level 3


There’s even HISTORY in this book: Phineas Gage, remember him? The guy who had a pole shoot through his head and lived to tell about it. He was forever more a changed man, not necessarily for the better, but his unfortunate accident turned valuable for science. You’ll also see a timeline from 1700 b.c. to 1910 featuring historical points including contributions from people like Hippocrates, Edwin Smith and his surgical papyrus, Alice Hamilton and lead poisoning, Piccolomini and many more.


Throughout the book scripture references are also noted. There is a two page spread of featured “brain food” such as blueberries, pumpkin seeds, etc and WHY they are so good for us.  There’s so much to love about this book from the author to the subject matter. I love history too. This book is available on (affiliate link)  Amazon here.


Pages 70-71  provides various “Brain Quotes” from people like Thomas Edison, Maya Angelou, da Vinci and more. I’m excited about taking more time to delve into this book! In the meantime, go here and see a video trailor of this book and see what the other Moms of Master Books are saying about The Electrifying Nervous System!



Want a chance to win a copy for yourself?!

Join us Moms of Master Book reviewers for our Facebook Party

on Monday, January  26th here at the Master Books Facebook page.




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