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I recently had the opportunity to review the Ozeri Ultra 42″ wind fan. For sometime I’ve admired fans or space heaters that utilized the sleek vertical position vs. the short bulky types so I was excited about this! I did receive this free to review and opinions are my own. I was not paid otherwise.


Ozeri Ultra 42 inch Wind Fan review



The Ozeri Ultra 42 inch Wind Fan is an oscillating fan with adjustable height and noise reduction technology.  Indeed it’s an attractive looking fan and I found the wind-sound relaxing. Along with the instruction booklet you get a remote and a one year warranty (to original owner) from date of purchase against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service.


The Ozeri oscillating wind fan comes with a remote control.


Like the good wife I am, I put my husband to work assembling the fan. While it didn’t take much work I will caution anyone doing so to be mindful that the fan has some delicate pieces. We found out the hard way when too much pressure on one part caused it to break. It was just a small piece that held the door on the control panel at the top – not a crucial part.


Special features:

  • The Ozeri Ultra 42 inch Wind Fan offers “Night Mode LCD” where all icons on the LCD are dimmed except the moon icon.
  • You can also set a timer to determine when the fan should shut off automatically if you wish. Choose how many hours: 1H, 2H, 3H (hours)…etc..
  • Choose from three different breeze patterns: sleep, nature, normal.


For fans bought in the USA, the LCD will display the room temperature in Fahrenheit. The remote uses two AAA batteries.  See my video at the end of this post.


Ozeri Ultra wind fan review


The base comes in two parts and the extension column comes in two parts. Just attach the two sides together respectively. Skip the extension column if you don’t want the extra height. In fact. The fan might just be more stable without it. See my video below of the fan in operation as I share my comments.


Like I hinted at above, I really really like the gentle fan “noise” and I look forward to being able to use it. Currently it’s below 30 degrees here in Ohio and Christmas is in four days!  🙂  We certainly don’t need a fan blowing on us right now; but, I do look forward to being able to use it when the weather warms up! I think it will be a great fan to run at night while we’re sleeping.


If you can’t see my video below click here.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.