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Congrats to Andria, winner of the 4 tickets to Cedar Point!


UPDATE!     I found out, after writing this post, that I have 4 tickets to giveaway to one lucky winner! 😉 . Compliments of Cedar Point!


Since there are only 3 more weekends left to visit Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends (and the tickets are only good for these last 3 weekends) I’m going to make this a super fast giveaway.

HalloWeekends are open on Friday nights (6pm- midnight.),  Saturdays and Sundays (11am to midnight) now through Nov. 2, 2014 (11am-8pm).


Giveaway begins today Wednesday 10/15 at 8:30am and ends tonight at 9pm.


To enter,   leave me a comment in the comment below  telling me you want to win and I need an email address you can be reached at asap.  There is a line for you to enter your email address so that no one can see it but me. That is the email address I will pass on to my Cedar Point representative so he can fix you up with your tickets.

I will email the winner and Cedar Point tonight after I draw the name (which is done randomly).



Cedar Point HalloWeekends


As an official Cedar Point Blogger we were invited last month to visit Cedar Point’s HalloWeekends. It was a beautiful day and we had some fun together as a family. Since we’re not into the big scarey stuff we left around dusk, but not before I could get some video of the sights and sounds. (Cedar Point provided the admission and snacks. Opinions are my own.)


Speaking of snacks – let me just brag on their caramel apples! Wow – YUM. There’s also popcorn, cookies and other treats to enjoy at Cedar Point. They even have Starbucks, Chick-Fila, Panda Express, and more.


Side note: We went during the day for the “family-friendly” stuff.  <— Check out that link to see all that Cedar Point offers during the day for the kids. There was a really cool cirque-like show I caught a bit on video of –  along with the talking (farting) troll robotics, some rides and the beauty of the fall evening videoed  from above ground. Watch my video below. If you can’t see it, click here.


If you like the spooky night-time stuff at HalloWeekends you can see what’s offered here.



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