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Just sharing a few glimpses of our homeschooling life so far this week.


#classicalconversations #homeschool group


Once a week for 24 weeks we meet with a whole bunch (here’s just some of them) of other local homeschoolers who take part in Classical Conversations. It’s sort of like a co-op, but not. This is our second year of it and we enjoy it greatly! It’s also my second year as one of the CC tutors. I have a class of all boys this year. Last year I had all girls. // This is our fifth (5th!!) year of homeschooling 🙂  .

Some of the kids enjoy playing football – my son calls it “two-hand tackle”, they don’t actually tackle. I guess it’s like flag football.


lunch at Circle K



Today the boys and I walked to a local gas station/convenience store for lunch, Circle K. It was a beautiful day for a walk, so we walked. Our Circle K offers a meal deal of two jumbo hot dogs, bag of chips and Polar Pop for $3.33.  Not exactly healthy, but it made for a fun lunch. We walked back home and then down the street to the Pro Football Hall of Fame to play on their astro turf field.



playing at the Pro Football Hall of Fame




One of the most important things I’m teaching the boys right now is how to study the Bible. It makes for a great homeschooling subject because it includes writing, looking up words in the dictionary, paying attention to punctuation, etc..


Although this is a skill I believe they absolutely need to know, my prayer is that their motivation to do it will eventually spring out of them having a right-heart attitude towards God.  That they have a heart-attitude that desires to know, love and obey God.


Both of our boys have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior already. I’m just equipping them to grow in their faith. Joel, their dad, teaches the Bible to them at night before bed.



Teaching my kids how to study the bible.


I’ve shared all of these pictures on Instagram.  If you’d like to follow me there here’s my link.

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