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This month we (Moms of Master Books) are talking about Master Books’ newly published Jr. High homeschool curriculum: Studies in World History Volume 1: Creation Through the Age of Discovery (4004 BC to AD 1500) by Dr. James Stobaugh. I did receive the Teacher Guide and the Student Textbook free to review. Opinions are my own.


Every month we throw a Facebook Party at the Master Books Facebook Page here to talking about that month’s review selection and to giveaway prizes!  Join us Tuesday August 26th for our next Facebook Party to learn about Studies in World History Volume 1 and for a chance to win prizes.


Studies in World History Vol. 1 (Student Text)

My boys are not in Jr. High yet so we have not used this, but I already like the text book because it’s laid out in a simple, easy to follow manner consisting of five lessons per chapter.


The Table of Contents clearly lays out each chapter with a short paragraph it.  Turning to page 9 Chapter 1 The Fertile Crescent: Nomads to Farmers is the first lesson.which is approximately two pages long. Lesson two is Geography: A River Civilization is about a short page and a half and so on. The book is in black and white and is easy on the eyes with interesting pictures to aid learning. I could see this being easy for a Jr. High student to follow along on his/her own especially if the student isn’t much of a reader and feels lost with tons of text. I’m a visual learning and I get lost in tons of text (b-o-r-i-n-g). This book is broken down to easy-to-follow lessons in my opinion.


There are 284 pages to the Student Text and includes a lengthy bibliography at the end and an alphabetical listing of “Concept Words to Know” beginning on page 272-284.


Studies in World History Volume 1 (Teacher Guide)

The Teacher Guide book is three-hole punched and includes: Answer Keys, Daily Calendar, Daily Discussion Questions, and Weekly Exams. Permission is granted to make copies of the reproducible pages for use within your own homeschooling family activities or for small classrooms of 10 or fewer students. See page 3 for more info on what is allowed and what is not.


So, if you aren’t doing anything else, please join Moms of Master Books TONIGHT

and share this post with a friend who homeschools!


To see what the other MOMS are saying about Studies in World History Volume 1 go here.

The MOMS Facebook Party happens here at the Master Books Facebook Page.





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