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Who’d have thought someone could make learning a little Greek fun and entertaining and even interesting? That’s what Todd Friel does with  It’s Not Greek to Me: 10 lessons in Greek. I received this single dvd to review as a part of the Moms of Master Books review team. Opinions are my own.




My boys aren’t ready for this yet, but we are a part of a local Classical Conversations homeschooling group and we are learning some Latin memory work which has some similarity to Greek.


Declensions, anyone?

I really think Todd does a great job making such a dry, difficult topic – fun and interesting. This dvd is geared for teens/adults and if you get a copy of Intro to Biblical Greek Parent Lesson Planner from Master Books you can turn this dvd into a half-year language course in Koine Greek and you can tailor it for 3-6th grade.


Now. Here I go. I have to say something about this.

  1. First, I do not believe we need to know Greek to understand the  English Bible.
  2. I do believe that the God who inspired the Bible to say exactly what He wanted it to say in Greek is BIG enough to make it say what He wants it to say in English. He’s Lord over preservation too!
  3. I also believe that Westcott & Hort devised a faulty, poor quality Greek text of their own (approximately) in the late 1800’s to supersede the Greek text that was for hundreds of years known to be the Bible.
  4. Why do I care? You can browse my King James Bible Q&A Series for more info, but please don’t bother to argue with me. Do your own study like I’ve been doing. K? Thanks! 🙂



Okay. So back to It’s Not Greek to Me. “You will begin with memorizing the alphabet and then examine the basic structure of the language itself. … Todd Friel is currently host of ‘Wretched Radio’, a daily syndicated talk radio program, as as host of ‘Wretched Tv’. ”


It’s Not Greek to Me is on sale right now on New Leaf’s website here for $15.99 (regular price $19.99)

Go here to find the Parent Planner and curriculum package information.






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