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Brought to you by OHVA.



Many parents, perhaps you right now, are thinking heavily about what options they have to keep their child(ren) home for school next year. They want to homeschool – but may not feel qualified or don’t have the time to focus on it. There is an option for you.


While the definition of “homeschooling” in Ohio is technically different than what “online public school” is designed to be,  the bottom line is your child is home for school, either way. If  that’s what you want for your child then Ohio Virtual Academy might be for you.


About OHVA:

Ohio Virtual Academy is a tuition free, online public school serving students who reside in Ohio throughout grades K-12th. The online school is open 24 hrs a day/ 5 days a week to allow for flexibility. Students receive a loaned computer and printer, a stipend (money) towards internet service, and all necessary textbooks and supplies for free.

Kindergarten is half day/ part-time, students will work 12.5-13 hrs per week (460 hrs per school year) and must be at least 5 yrs of age by September 30th. Grades 1-8 work approximately 5 hrs a day (for 920 hrs for the school year).


Read more at this post.

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