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This month we Mom’s of Master Books received the three book set: The Universe (a homeschooling science curriculum). We received the softcover text book ($12.99) and soft cover student journal ($4.99) and teacher’s guide ($4.99) to review. Opinions are my own.


Tomorrow night, Tuesday, May 27th we are throwing our monthly Facebook Party featuring this set!

Want a chance to win this and other prizes? Join us at the Master Books Facebook Page here and join in the chat!

Directions will be given as to where to enter to win prizes throughout the party.

Time: 7pm CST / 8pm EST




The Universe curriculum was made with 3rd through 8th grade in mind. Simple experiments and fact-finding problems are used to showcase God’s design of our massive universe. Inside the book you’re going to find 20 investigations for your student to complete. We haven’t started using it yet, but the back of the book says…


Students will gain a better understanding of: …

  • Important discoveries of great scientists like Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, and how their words impact us today
  • The history of astronomy, from the first observations of space, the creation of the telescope, the history of flight, and more
  • God’s magnificent hand in creation, encouraging their faith through the reading of Scripture.


See what the other Mom’s are saying about this set here and join us tomorrow night for the party!

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