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*Brought to you by Sunoco. Opinions are my own.

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If you do a lot of traveling for your own business or just for life in general it might be helpful to have a credit card JUST for gas and related needs. This can make it easier to keep travel receipts/records separate from other everyday spending. If this is something you’ve been considering for awhile I want to tell you about the SunocoRewards Credit Card!


My personal thoughts: If you have to have a credit card you should get one that is going to save you money or pay you back. It just makes sense.


The SunocoRewards Credit Card will save you money by giving you .25 cents off per gallon for the first 60 days and then .05 cents of per gallon after the 60 days!


What are the benefits of a SunocoRewards gas card?

    • Instantly receive a gas discount of 5¢ off every gallon of fuel purchased at any Sunoco station.
    • Use the Sunoco gas card to pay at the pump for fast, easy fill-ups and see gas rewards instantly
    • Over 4,900 locations – Find Sunoco stations locations nearest you
    • Manage your Sunoco gas credit card account 24/7 online.
    • Flexible payment options
    • Additional Sunoco fuel credit cards at no cost, so your entire family can save
    • Nationwide ATM access
    • Secure, with $0 liability for unauthorized purchases


SunocoRewards Credit Card saves  money on gas.


How to Apply for the SunocoRewards Credit Card

1. Visit the Go Sunoco site here to apply for the Sunoco Gas Credit Card. Once you’ve reached the application form via the link on that page, you must use the special offer code: IT16 on your application to get the discount!

 2. If your credit card application is approved, you will receive your Sunoco Rewards Credit Card which you will then need to activate.


 3. Once you activate your Sunoco Gas Credit Card, you will get $.25 cents off per gallon for 60 days.  


Once the 60 days of the special offer has ended, you will receive a gas discount of $.05 cents off per gallon every day, every time instantly at the pump.


Credit cards are a tool that can help or hurt. Be careful how you use them. Use them responsibly and stay safe on the road!

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