What a great statement a former Pastor of our’s said on Facebook recently…
On this first “real day” of 2014 (since most of us probably didn’t get out much yesterday), here’s the biblical promise I’d love to see every one of us living in the big fat middle of all through 2014! It’s found in 2 Corinthians 9:8, and is what I consider to be one of the most OVER-THE-TOP verses in the entire Bible! Please read it slowly, focusing on each of the 26 words (Prov. 30:5). Check it out…
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”
Wow! Notice, God isn’t just WILLING to make grace abound… but God is ABLE to make it abound! And He isn’t just able to COERCE grace to abound… or, to try to PERSUADE grace to abound… God is able to MAKE it abound!
And God isn’t simply able to make SOME grace abound… or, a LOT of grace abound… no—God is able to make ALL grace abound! And notice, He isn’t just able to make all grace TRICKLE toward you… or, be METED OUT toward you… but ABOUND toward you!
And He isn’t just able to make all grace abound OUT THERE SOMEWHERE for you to find it… He’s able to make it abound TOWARD you! And notice, not just toward OTHERS… or, a CERTAIN CLASS of people… but toward YOU!!!
And He does that, not just so you can SOMETIMES have the sufficiency you need, but so you can ALWAYS have it! And not just so you can have SOME sufficiency… or, a CERTAIN LEVEL of sufficiency… but ALL sufficiency!
And not just always having all sufficiency in a FEW things… or, in the INSIGNIFICANT things… or, even in the MOST IMPORTANT things… but IN ALL THINGS! And He does that, not just so we can PARTICIPATE in His work… or, be a PART of His work… but so we can ABOUND in His work!
And not just so we can abound in CERTAIN ASPECTS of His work… but so we may abound in EVERY work… and not just every work… but every GOOD WORK!
Whew! God packed a whole lot in those 26 words, didn’t He? I pray you’ll experience the reality of this promise TODAY… and EVERY DAY of 2014! Be encouraged, y’all!”
Years ago I sat under his preaching and he was one of our pastors who taught us why the King James Bible is the preserved word of God for English speaking people.
This is a big topic (and a contentious one) because since the late 1800s there has been a big push to discredit the bible that God used to change the world for hundreds of years. The Auth. KJV is the end-product (version) of a sevenfold purification process that only God could have orchestrated. The English language has declined since this time.
Like any story there are two sides and I won’t entertain arguments over it. If you disagree, that’s fine.
If you agree with me or are just plain curious I have a giveaway for you! And there will be 5 winners!
“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” – Proverbs 30:5
“The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” – Psalm 12:6-7 (Authorized KJV – emphasis, mine)
Surely the same God who saved your soul, if you have trusted in him, is big enough to preserve the words he promised to preserve in the book you believe he inspired?
But some “bibles” have verse 7 saying something different – take a look…
- NIV says: “You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked,”
- 1599 Geneva Bible says: “Thou wilt keep them, O Lord; thou wilt preserve him from this generation forever.”
- ESV says: “You, O Lord, will keep them;you will guard usfrom this generation forever.”
- Amplified Bible: “You will keep them and preserve them, O Lord; You will guard and keep us from this [evil] generation forever.”
- New Living Translation: “Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed,preserving them forever from this lying generation,”
- Young’s Literal Translation: “Thou, O Jehovah, dost preserve them, Thou keepest us from this generation to the age.”
- NRSV: “You, O Lord, will protect us;you will guard us from this generation forever.”
- The Message: (vs 6-8 are lumped together) “God’s words are pure words, Pure silver words refined seven times In the fires of his word-kiln,Pure on earth as well as in heaven. God, keep us safe from their lies, From the wicked who stalk us with lies, From the wicked who collect honors For their wonderful lies.”
About this prize!
*I am using my affiliate links below.
Why the King James Bible (Authorized Version 1611) is the perfect word of God by Gary Miller, Edited by David W. Daniels is a 45 page, 5 lesson bible study. This is a great short study for busy people who just want the bottom line based on God’s own authority.
There is, of course, much more info out there for those who are caught up in what “men say” about this issue and for those who need some other documentation I would recommend G.A. Riplinger’s New Age Bible Versions and Dr. Samuel Gipp’s Understandable History of the Bible. I have all of these and have completed the short 5 lesson study myself.
Enter to win!
I’m making this as simple as I can. Just leave me a comment telling why you want to win and you are entered! You can come back and leave one new comment every single day of this giveaway to increase your chances! I purchased these myself to give to you.
Giveaway begins tonight 1/2/14 and ends 1/16/14 at 11:59pm EST. Winners picked randomly and will be emailed for confirmation and for shipping address.
*You can view my KJV Q&A series here if you’d like to know more about this issue.
Tracy Zdelar
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I am a King James Bible believer who desires to learn more about the King James Bible, and how to properly defend it.
I would love to win this giveaway to use the study, learn from it, and to see whether it’s a resource I can recommend to others to learn about the Bible.
I love the Bible and I have a strong desire to obey 2 Timothy 2:15. :]
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Just another daily entry 🙂
I would love to win a copy of this book because I am a new born-again Christian and I think it would help me to explain to people why the JKV Bible is the best one to read. Thank you so much for the chance to win this book!
This would help me when others bash the KJV.
I would love this for our Family Friend Emma. She is going to college studying religion and works on sermons daily. She would love this. Thanks for the chance.
Im very interested in what this has to say.
I would like to win a copy of this book. I have always had faith in God but haven’t been sure of which Bible to read. Hopefully this book will put me in the right direction. Thank you for the giveaway!
I would like to learn more about this, would appreciate a copy.
We believe that the KJB is the inspired word of God for the English speaking people, and this might be a great tool to use while trying to teach others about the KJB! Thank you for the chance to win!
Would love a copy.