Off-grid pantry planner




Money doesn’t grow on trees, at least not in my backyard. If your finances are anything like ours you’re probably using coupons, buying some things second hand, and looking for ways to make extra money on the side.


At least that’s how it is at our house.


Anyways, this is why a lot of my focus on my blog is on life’s practicalities.  Christmas is around the corner and I’d like to save money on my purchases. I also need to avoid frivolous spending. Of course I want my kids to understand that life isn’t about having the newest toy or electronic – there are far more important priorities in life like faith, hope, love – eternity.


There still is no getting around the practical side to life that involves the need to  buy things we need to live (food, clothes, shoes) and having an income to pay the bills. This is true for us and true for you!


So, yes, I’m focusing a lot on practical things that have to do with the holiday season right now and I’m hoping these posts are useful and helpful to you as well as my own family.


In many of these posts I use affiliate links. If you decide you want to buy something, using my links will not tack on any extra charges for you. I simply make a little commission for sharing the information.


My blog is my at-home job and I only make a part-time sporadic income with it, but I’m thankful for this opportunity. I’m also thankful for my readers support. I hope my blog is a blessing to you 🙂  .


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