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Exploring The World of Astronomy: From the Center of the Sun to the Edge of the Universe by John Hudson Tiner is a new educational text/work book published by Master Books just this year.


Christian view of Astronomy for kids, homeschooling.


I received this book to review as a part of the Master Books Mom Reviewers. This is not a paid post. I am also using my Amazon affiliate link in the post.


You’ll find thirteen chapters covering:  Exploring the Moon, Mars, Terrestrial Planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Jovian Planets, Plutoids and Denizens of Space, Telescopes, Breakthroughs in Astronomy, Deep Sky wonders, Stars, Extrasolar planets and Starlighted Nights. Questions and Answers are included.


The book states that this book can be used for varying ages/grades. Elementary grades can enjoy learning many of the concepts with adult help, middle school students can work independently reading and answering, junior high and high school students can use the book as a refresher course.


The book includes pictures but it is in black and white. I find the font is a comfortable size for easy reading. I haven’t used this yet with my boys who are 9 and 7, but I plan to try soon. We recently began an outer space study in Classical Conversations so this is a great time to see if I can make the book useful for their young age.


“Discussion ideas, questions, and research opportunities help expand this great resource on observational astronomy… ” [back of the book cover]



You can purchase The World of Astronomy for$14.99 for the softcover book or $9.99 for the digital download- both available at New Leaf Publishing here.

The World of Astronomy is also for sale on Amazon here and on Kindle.


Check out the other Moms reviews here if the links aren’t showing below.




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