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*My family did receive free passes to complete this review and giveaway. Passes as prizes are being provided by Nickajack.


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It’s that time!


Even if the calendar doesn’t admit it yet, we are into the Fall season here in NE Ohio. Pumpkin patches, hayrides, mums, gourds, pony rides, peddle-carts and corn mazes are open.


My family was invited recently to attend Nickajack Farms’ Fall Festival opening day – and I get to give two winners each a 4-pack of family passes!  That means a $40/32 value for each of my 2  winners, depending how you look at it! I took a picture of the packages (see picture below).


And the Nickajack Farms’ Fall Festival is opened 11am till dark (7pm) now through October 31st. Nickajack is located in North Lawrence, Ohio. Get the address at their website here.


Nickajack farm family pass package prices


Our family enjoyed the  Family Farm Fun ($10/8 value) passes, but we were given access to a couple extras: the corn shooter and the peddle-carts. Those are not included in the Family Farm Fun pass. You can see a little of the corn shooters and peddle-carts in my video below – along with a bumpy portion of our wagon-ride through a corn field 🙂 .


Click here if you can’t see the video (won’t be visible in email).


Nickajack Farms is spread out and has lots of places for taking photos, has a small petty zoo, pony rides and games for the younger kids (even a playground and a teepee).


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They also have quite a few kittens around there. The three pictured above need homes (the small one in the middle is the mother of the two on the end).


Enter for a chance to win!

Just follow the Rafflecopter instructions below. Winners will be picked randomly and notified by email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*My family did receive free passes to complete this review and giveaway. Passes as prizes are being provided by Nickajack.

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