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Oh, hai there!



I try to update my FREE Kindle book lists every week or so… more so.  The weeks just fly by.


Anyways, I just wanted to remind you about this and let you know tonight I updated my Free and Cheap Kindle books for homeschooling and my Free Kindle books  of “How to” for House and Home.


What Affiliate Links Mean for You and Us

When you click through and buy anything through my affiliate links you are not being charged anything extra for that. It does not cost you a penny!  🙂  And you are supporting my blog by doing so (and again- it’s not costing you anything).


Affiliate programs, sponsored posts and advertisements help us bloggers pay for our website costs, buy school supplies, groceries, etc. and we are very thankful for reader’s who do choose to make purchases through our links. And I’m talking about just buying stuff to buy it, I’m talking about buying the things you’d be buying anyways.


Don’t ever feel like you have to buy something that you don’t need in order to support a blogger. Not me and my blog or anyone else.


The FTC does require that we bloggers disclose our relationships with reviews, etc and that is why you see us posting notes about our use of affiliate links, etc. within certain posts. I always strive to give honest reviews on here. I hope you find them informative and enjoyable.


3 More FREE Ways to Support My blog

Okay, so, I should add there are a few other ways you could support my blog (and others) for FREE… and we would love it if you would 🙂 … I would love it if you would do it for me.


1 – Sign up for my (free) email updates here.

2 – If you find my posts helpful, share them with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, etc..

3 – Leave comments!


Seriously, I’d appreciate it and I know many other bloggers would too. And for those who already do show their support… I thank you x 100!


Thank you 🙂

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.