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Homecoming season is right around the corner. Does the idea of searching for a modest dress for your daughter put you in panic mode?  Though I am going to be compensated for taking the time to tell you about some beautiful options available for you, these are my own opinions.


Dress First offers  hundreds (over 1000 actually) of homecoming dresses in a variety of styles and colors. I want you to know that there are modest choices among the many styles. Below you’ll see several styles I’ve picked out from over 1000+ homecoming dresses available at Dress First.


beautiful homecoming dresses


I know modesty is a relative term. My idea of modest may not be yours and what looks modest on one girl may not be so modest on another girl’s body.  I’ve picked out some styles that I thought leaned towards modest, but there are so many style and color combinations at Dress First that you really could spend a lot of time browsing them all.


From my own experience browsing the site:  when you find a dress you like,  click on it and you’ll be taken to several more pictures of the dress being worn in different poses. This really helps you see the detail in the dress better – like the feminine breezy layers of some of the dresses.


modest homecoming dresses



Click on the images above to see the over 1000 homecoming dresses available at Dress First. You can follow Dress First on Facebook here. I bet you could spend hours pouring over all the options – and be sure to look for the sale prices!


*This is a compensated post, but all opinions about modesty and dress choices are my own.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.