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Giveaway is over, but read on about the book!



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Today’s Friday and I’m hosting New Leaf Publishing’s FREE Book Friday! Enter to win a copy of the book 365 Fascinating Facts About Israel by Clarence Wagner who lived in Israel for 30 years.  *Disclosure:  I did/will receive copies of this book for myself for hosting this giveaway. This is not a paid post and opinions are my own.  I have also included my affiliate links in this post.


He says…



365 fascinating facts about Israel - Free Book Friday from New Leaf



“As I travel the world speaking about Israel, I often hear many of the same questions over and over again. Whether it is in South Africa or Canada, Australia or Brazil, the UK or the USA, one thing that Christians want to have is a summary of the key Scriptures about Israel, Jerusalem, the Jewish people, Bible prophecy, and how they all relate to the Church. God has much to say about His covenant people and His land, Israel, as well as how His church should relate to both.

That is the subject of this book.” …


Chapters include:

The Location of the Land
The Glory of All Lands
Covenants and the Land and People
Israel in Prophecy
History and Israel Today


Clarence goes on to say:  “The Jewish people were a chosen people for three purposes: to worship God in this land and show the world the blessing of serving the one true God of the universe; to receive, record, and transmit the Word of God (through them we have our Bible); and finally, to be the human channel for the Messiah, from whom we have our salvation. These people are so special to God that He called them “my people” (Exod. 3:7, 10:3).”


I have this book in Kindle right now but am awaiting my physical book to arrive in the mail so I can read from it and I’m really looking forward to it!  The nation of Israel and the land of Jerusalem – who and where else captures the world’s attention like these?


Why so much hullabaloo?  Because, Satan has been wanting the glory that belongs to God, as referred to in Isaiah 14:12-15, and he has been working through history to steal it.  He knows his time on earth is short (Revelation 12:12). Satan knows Christ is returning to reign on earth. But that’s just part of the short-version of it.


Also available for sale on Amazon:

365 Fascinating Facts about Israel in Kindle

365 Fascinating Facts About Israel in book form



a Rafflecopter giveaway



*I received copies of this book to review for myself, opinions are my own, and my Amazon affiliate links are used.
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