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The Left Behind series (radio drama audio sets)


Our family has been long time fans of the Left Behind series. I never got into reading the books, but I’ve seen all three movies and I’ve listened to much of the Audio Drama series – our young boys listen in also. In fact, listening to the audio drama is my favorite “delivery method” of the Left Behind series.  Be sure to read through to the end, I have a link to some freebies for you.


The audio drama version is not the same as listening to someone read a book-on-cd, rather it’s the equivalent of hearing  a movie without seeing the picture.


My husband bought several of the Left Behind Audio Drama cassette sets about a decade ago and we’re listening to them again now. We’ll hit up our local library for the sets we’re missing or listen in from Youtube. I’ll share the Youtube link at the end of this post.


The Left Behind series


Why do I recommend this series? 

The Left Behind series is a novel based on what the bible says will happen in the last days from the time of the rapture of the church and through the tribulation – I haven’t finished the series yet, so I don’t know for sure how much of the rest of prophecy they cover. The story and characters are fictional, of course, but are written as a “this is how it could go”  based on biblical prophecy.


You can begin your own study of prophecy by starting in Daniel and Revelation of the bible. If you’re looking for a bible, the King James Bible is the only bible I can recommend because it’s the only version I trust.


With anything like the Left Behind series,  always make God’s Word (not someone else’s intrepretation of it) your final authority. With that said, even though there are some things in this series that I don’t agree with and others that I’m not sure the bible is clear on- what I do agree with is the timeline and some of the major events that this movie follows: that the rapture of the church (those who have trusted in Christ alone for salvation) will precede the tribulation and following that will be the millennial reign of Christ; that the tribulation will be a time of trouble like the world has never known before; that a very powerful man the bible calls the anti-christ will rise up and have control of the world. Those are the main points that come to mind- it definitely gets deeper and more detailed but that’s beyond the scope of this post.



3 Ways to get Left Behind:  in Books, CD Audio Dramas & Movies


Set #1:  Left Behind: An experience in Sound and Drama: A Novel of the Earth’s Last Days (Click the image and links below to view on Amazon).


Set #2:   Tribulation Force

Set #3:   Nicolae

Set #4:   Soul Harvest

Set #5:   Apollyon

Set #6:   Assassins

Set #7:   The Indwelling

Set #8:   The Mark

Set #9:   Desecration

Set #10:  The Remnant

Set #11:  Armageddon

Set #12:  Glorious Appearing



Left Behind Movie Series (images are linked to Amazon)

Left Behind


Left Behind II: Tribulation Force


Left Behind: World at War



Left Behind Book Series for Kids

Collections 1- 3






Online “Left Behind” Freebies & other info


  • Visit the Left Behind website for some free downloads from their Free Resources page which includes timelines, wallpaper, logos and more.
  • My husband found the Left Behind Audio Drama  Series on Youtube here – the great thing about this is that if you have Youtube access from your Wii or other device you can listen in those rooms which are away from where you keep your desktop computer. 




*I am using my affiliate links in this post, but it doesn’t cost you a penny!  See my disclosure policy here.



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