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If you live in or near Canton, Ohio you are probably familiar with Aultman Hospital. Aultman Hospital is near and dear to me. Both my pregnancies were risky and Aultman took good care of me and my premature boys who spent at least 3 weeks each, respectively,  in the NICU.  For a short time I event attended and helped out in the Preemie Support Group.


I was recently asked by a representative for Aultman College, which is located on the Aultman Hospital campus, to tell you about the following community classes they offer  for boys and girls in grades 4-6th.


All of the following classes are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday and Friday June 10th, 12th and 14th from 10am – 12pm in Aultman College Room 1 for the boys and Room 2 for the girls. Cost: $49


Classes for the Boys:  Boy-ology

Boy-ology is a 6 hr. course (3 / 2 hour sessions) that focuses on:

  • Mindful Living
  • Developing and Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
  • Transitioning from Kid to Adult
  • Resisting Peer Pressure
  • Improving Communication Skills with Adults
  • Embracing Change


For the Girls: Growing Up Girl

Growing Up Girl is also a 6 hr. course (3 / 2 hour sessions) focusing on:

  • Physical changes girls experience with their bodies during their  transition into teenagers.
  • Positive body image and sense of self worth.
  • Identifying ways to resist peer pressure.
  • Discuss what it means to make good decisions and choices.
  • Practice stress reduction techniques.
  • Identifying ways to have better communication with  the adults in their lives.

Other programs and courses currently offered revolve around babysitting, CPR and Basic Life Skills.


These courses are held in the safe and comfortable rooms of Aultman College located on the corner of Ninth St. S.W. and Dartmouth Ave. on the Aultman Hospital campus.

To register visit

2600 6th St. SW
Canton, OH 44710


Enter to win!

Parents/caregivers, enter to win a class for your son or daughter now! Aultman College is giving away a free $49 scholarship for one boy and one for a girl!


Just leave me a comment below telling me if you want to win a boy class or a girl class.  I’ll contact the winner by email. Winners are drawn randomly.


Giveaway begins now and ends June 4th at 11:59pm EST. You can enter once per day to increase  your chances! Be sure to mark your entry for either a boy or a girl.


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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.