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I’m very pleased to say this product is made and manufactured in Ohio! Toledo, Ohio.




I received a free set of  the JAWS (Just Add Water System) line of cleaners in exchange for hosting this giveaway on my blog. One of my readers will win. Opinions are my own.


I’m told it’s a non-toxic line normally priced at $4.99 a bottle – however I’m told that Beuhler’s will be having a sale on the  JAWS Glass and Hard Surface Cleaner; JAWS Multi-Purpose Cleaner/Degreaser and Bathroom Cleaner/Deodorizer April 15-28th for just $2.99.  Each bottle comes with one refill cartridge.


My experience

I’ve only tried out the bathroom cleaner this past weekend. It was easy to assemble. Just fill the bottle with tap water to the fill line, stick one of the cartridges into the neck of the bottle (it only fits one way) and then put the spray nozzle/hose back on. The colorful liquid drops into the water changing the color. Each bottle has a different color as you will see below.


It didn’t seem to have a strong scent. I’m not sure how hardy of a cleaner it is yet. My bathroom looked good, but I didn’t see it doing much for the soap scum. We have hard water.  Still, I find it very convenient to have a spray bottle cleaner that is easy to wipe down and I love the non-toxic aspect. To be fair I would need to give it more time.


I am thrilled to have an OHIO made and manufactured product to tell you about.





The JAWS line makes it easy to conserve on the plastic. You fill  your bottle with water at home and add the concentrated cleaner cartridge. When the bottle is empty, you refill it with water and add a new cartridge. This line is described as being eco-conscious and the cartridge as “super-concentrated”.


The JAWS line will clean from kitchen to bathroom. AND remember to look for some of them on sale at Beuhler’s right now!


Enter to win 1 complete set of 4 bottles like I received! $20 Value

Just follow the Rafflecopter directions below 🙂 .  USA residents only.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I received a free set of the JAWS Cleaners to try out and the free set for my winner will be provided as well. Opinions are my own.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy self-publishes Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults now. She writes about homeschooling and just about anything related to family life in Ohio. Strong honest views will surface from time to time on topics related to truth, faith, freedom and current events. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.