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Made in Heaven: About creation's influence on technology.


What do pinecones, shark scales, fish scales and spider webs have to do with clothing? The human immune system and computer anti-virus software? Mosquitos and painless needless or termites and air-conditioning?


Made in Heaven (by Ray Comfort and Jeffrey Seto) reveals how many of today’s technological advancements are developed to replicate what is found in creation.


Made in Heaven, about the authors:

Seto is an aerospace engineer in experimental research and development. His work includes “supersonic boom suppression, synthetic vision approach systems and structural and system testing in civilian and military sectors”.


Ray Comfort is a best-selling author of more than 70 books, and television co-host (with Kirk Cameron) of the award-winning program ‘The Way of the Master’.”


Seto says in the foreword:  “Engineering is imagination-and design-driven. Nowhere is this more evident than the study of the natural world applied to the science of engineering. Engineers have long examined God’s creation to understand and mimic complex and proven mechanics of design.”


The book has beautiful color pictures and  illustrations as well as a section at the end of the book defining the “new sciences” such as architectural bionics, homology, nanotechnology, and quantum revolution. I look forward to this book being a valuable resource for homeschooling my boys (good for girls too, of course).


Join us – the Mom’s of Masterbooks and New Leaf Publishing  for a

Facebook Party (<– party is at this page). Thursday, March 21st at 9pm EST for a chance to win:

  • a copy of Made in Heaven
  • or a $25 gift certificate
  • or a copy of The Defender’s Guide for Life’s Toughest Questions {new release from NLPG}.


*As a Mom of Masterbooks I received a free copy of Made in Heaven to review. Opinions are my own.
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