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 Henry Morris KJV Study Bible and Spurgeon's Advice for Seekers


This month I’m sharing a little about two new books I’ve received to review from Masterbooks. The books are Charles Spurgeon’s Advice for Seekers which has been republished in the same old type and with rough-edged pages to keep that antique look and the Henry Morris KJV Study Bible. I’ve spent some time reading from each of these.


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Thursday, February 21st!

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Henry Morris KJV Study Bible

I appreciate the chance to have a KJV study bible since the KJV bible is the only version I trust. I don’t rely on using commentaries. I definitely do not want to hold any commentary or commentator’s opinion above the word of God. The best commentary on the word of God is God’s word, in my opinion: comparing scripture with scripture.


Commentaries have their place though and can offer a lot of help if they have correct historical information and the commentator actually believes the bible and supports God’s infallible word. I am reading the whole bible through this year beginning with Genesis and it’s been nice to have the commentary in the Henry Morris KJV Study Bible at my disposal.


Watch the trailer below to learn more about the Henry Morris KJV Study Bible (retails $39.99):




Spurgeon’s Advice for Seekers

Now, I’ll admit. The title turned me off because I knew nothing about Spurgeon’s original book. The word “Seekers” reminded me of the “seeker-friendly“(church movement) terminology that I’ve come to frown upon. I’m only about four or five chapters into Spurgeon’s book so I don’t have much to say right now.  This will be the first book by Spurgeon that I’ve read.  I understand he was quite the preacher and I look forward to reading more from Advice for Seekers. I do appreciate that New Leaf Publishing has kept the “old” look. I think it captures some of  that old-time original charm and brings it along for the experience while reading the book.


This trailer will reveal a bit about Spurgeon’s Advice for Seekers (retails for $14.99). This book is published by Attic Books, a division of New Leaf Publishing Group:



 Remember to follow this link and join us for the party: Masterbooks Book & a Bite Party   there will be prizes!



*I received a copy of each book for free to review. Opinions are my own.

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