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Every month I usually have a book or video to review from New Leaf Publishing which is a Christian publisher. I’m an official Mom’s of Masterbooks Reviewer. We all took the month of July off, which was the exception  to our monthly review schedule. It was a nice break especially since that was the month our house got hit by lightning and zapped both of our desktop computers!




This month I’m reviewing the “D” is for Dinosaur, by Ken & Mally Ham, flip book which is made essentially like the “A” is for Adam flip book. If you join me and the other Mom’s of Masterbooks for our Twitter Party on August 23rd 8pm CST / 9pm EST (my time) you can have a chance to win a copy of for yourself! It would be a great book to use with your younger children or to donate to your children’s ministry at church, use for Vacation Bible School or give as a gift.


My experience:  I began reading “D” is for Dinosaur to my 6 and 8 year old boys who soon left playing with their Legos to be closer to me and the book. My 8 year old decided he wanted to do some of the reading aloud himself.

The simplicity of the book makes it a good read for your “read to me” ages – but it also can help open up conversations between you and your  older children, in my opinion, about the weightier issues behind the fun truthful rhymes. Prompts are included to help you begin these conversations with your children.


Besides the beautiful illustrations and the teaching of biblical truth from A to Z in rhyme this book is loaded with step by step teaching aids and suggestions.


The book starts out teaching your child that the bible DOES have the answers about dinosaurs, walks your child through each of the six days of creation, the fall of Adam (when mankind was cursed because of sin), Noah’s flood and how dinosaurs  could fit on the ark, likely reasons for dinosaur extinction and so forth… the book ends presenting the gospel (the good news!) of Jesus Christ.


It is through our faith in what Jesus Christ did for us that we are saved after we accept we are sinners in need of this Savior!  The book also covers the coming judgement of the earth by fire and our heavenly home with Christ for eternity.


Join the Mom’s of Masterbooks Twitter Party August 23rd 8pm CST / 9pm EST


Just follow @Masterbook4u and the hashtag #teachthetruth so you are following the live chat. You can follow me as well- @tzdelar .


Want more reviews?
Here’s what some of the other Mom’s of Masterbooks are saying…

Moms Mustard Seeds  
Kathy’s Cluttered Mind
Educating Laytons


*I received the “D” is for Dinosaur book for free to review from MasterBooks to complete this review. Opinions are my own.


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