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Occasionally I get questions about homeschooling and since I utilize a very eclectic approach to it, well, explaining how or what I use can be a lot of typing. Every year is different for me, this is our third year at it and as things are falling into place I thought I’d be more able to address questions by breaking down my plan of attack, my goals for my boys and not only what I’m using but how I’m using it in a blog tour series.

I plan to show you

  • where and how I have my plans laid out
  • how I’m organizing this year
  • a lot of what I’m using for curriculum and
  • how I’m using it
  • my boys goal chart (which will cover all the major things I want them to memorize or master this semester) and
  • how we are rewarding them for their hard work come Christmas

You can expect pictures, list of resources, and maybe some videos.


When will this begin?


First post will probably show up Monday. I plan to do this series during the week days in addition to all my regular product/travel reviews and giveaways, and I’m still praying about what kind of “bible” series to do on the weekends.

A couple of my posts in this series may even show up on a couple other blogs since I have homeschooling posts to write for other places. If that happens I will let you know.

If you want a more detailed peek or explanation of how we do homeschool be sure to subscribe here  or below in the box for my free email updates. You can also follow me on Facebook.

And feel free to chat with me on Facebook!


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How We Homeschool Tour & Series Introduction
Part 1:  How I Organize
Part 2:  The Goals and Chart for My Boys
Part 3:  Eclectic Homeschooling Math
Part 4:  Eclectic Homeschooling Reading, Writing & Language Arts
Part 5:  My easy, laid-back way of homeschooling Science

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.