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Great For God  “When they interacted with those who didn’t know Christ they were intentionally evangelistic. When they ministered to believers they intentionally moved them toward maturity as His disciples. The sum of their days was all about the glory of God and fulfilling the Great Commission.” page 128.


 As a mom of Master Books I received a copy of the book Great for God by David Shibley, founder of Global Advance. Its a collection of stories about dear Christian missionaries who have since gone home to be with the Lord. Some of the names and stories were familiar to me, but others weren’t.

I love these kinds of true stories. I want my sons to know about these men and women who gave up so much to obey our Lord’s commission to go into all the world and share the good news of forgiveness in Jesus Christ with those who didn’t know him.

Want to review a FREE digital copy of this book too, like me? See this post for details.

The book is 144 pages and covers 23  missionaries some of whom are Bill Bright, Eric Liddell, Amy Carmichael, C.T. Studd, Samuel Zwemer and Jim Elliot.

“Confidence in their calling and in who they were in Christ saved them from the dual ditches of pride and low self-esteem. Their allegiance was to Jesus with hearts bowed in worship and wills poised to obey. Like John, they pointed people to God’s Lamb (John 1:29, 36). And with John they confessed, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).” pages 10-11

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“ ‘Histories make men wise’,” wrote Francis Bacon. [3] To comprehend our times we must know how we arrived in them. Now, in my sixties, it grieves me to see the same avoidable errors committed trans-generationally. The old adage that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it is painfully true.” page 11

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Thursday, May 17th at 8pm CST/ 9pm EST.

Be sure to follow @masterbooks4u  & @mamhall

& you can follow me if you want @tzdelar 🙂 .

Be sure to say hi!

*I received a free copy of Great for God to review. Opinions are mine.
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