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Kale Spaghetti Saute? Tracy’s Kale Recipe? Okay, so I just made up those recipe titles. I don’t know if there is an official name for what I experimented with but my husband and I both liked it. And I liked it alot. So much that I went out and bought two more big bags of kale this week. And kale is like super healthy for you, isn’t it?


This is so delicious and so easy and keep in mind that alot of the measurements will depend on how much you want of what ingredient mixed in for bulk and taste. Here goes.


What I used:

  • Kale
  • Ground beef, browned
  • Spaghetti (I used thin spaghetti because we like the thinner or Angel Hair type)
  • Beef Stock/Broth (I used premade/store bought, comes in a carton)
  • Soy sauce to taste





I used one of my favorite things – my electric skillet.


I used approximately one (2 pound) container of beef broth on high heat. When it looked hot enough to me I added about half a bag or less (see above pic) of prechopped, prewashed kale (I could’ve added more).


I covered the skillet and cooked the kale down to where I was satisfied then added my leftover ground beef I had already browned the other day. Meanwhile I cooked a 12 oz. box of thin spaghetti noodles.





When the noodles were about al-dente (not quite done) I added them to the kale-burger-broth mix and cooked a bit longer. All that is left then is to add some soy sauce to taste. This is absolutely delicious!


Do you have a favorite kale recipe?

*Sharing at: Chic&Crafty Link-up , WatchaCookingWednesday .
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