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*I’m picking up my KJV series again, where I left off. These upcoming posts will make a lot more sense to some of you I hope and give you some real meat to chew on. I will be sharing a lot of information from my bible study/ church notes in this second part of the series too.

Christians refer to the bible as God’s Word because we believe God inspired it. He wants us to read it, believe it and obey it. Its his message to us, right?

Now I’m confident God doesn’ t make mistakes, how about you? The bible says God cannot lie. And I honestly believe God can be trusted. If I did not, I wouldn’t have confidence in his promises, I wouldn’t be sure that heaven and hell exist or that I can know for sure that I’m going to heaven.

Psalm 12:6-7 says that “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.”

I believe it, do you? If you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you are trusting him that he has saved you, right? Well, it makes  no logical sense to say “I believe this verse… but I don’t believe this one”. “God saved me, but he isn’t powerful enough to keep his word about preserving his pure word….and afterall, he just inspired it, men picked the words.”

Well, I’m sure that God is big enough to keep his word, otherwise he’s a liar. God is big enough to inspire the very words he wants the writer to use- even if it ends up being in old English. Are you trusting in the wisdom of scholarly men above the Words of God? Because there are scholary men saying the bible is not pure. So what implications does this have on who Jesus is?

Meet Jesus Christ, the Word of God.

John 1:1-3 – some of my favorite verses.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” vs. 14  “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

Not only does God call Jesus the Word, he says Jesus, the Word, was with him (God) in the beginning and that Jesus, the Word, was God.

Was Jesus perfect, sinless? (Yes- he had to be in order for God to accept his sacrificial death on the cross as payment for my sins and yours). And because Jesus Christ is God he was perfect and met God’s standard. Would we say Jesus had some small imperfections?

Doesn’t it make sense then that God would want to have a correct, pure version of his Word? And seeing that he has already promised to preserve his words for us, don’t you think he would? Do you really believe God would leave us with no trustworthy bible?


Please refer to a King James Bible in addition to whatever you use now. Note: the New KJV is not the same- you can use if you need an online bible and pick King James Version to compare:

  • Jesus, the Word:  John 1:1, I John 5:7,  Revelation 19:13
  • The Holy Bible called the Word:  Ephesians 6:17,  II Timothy 2:9, Hebrews 4:12
  • Often we cannot tell the difference between the two, the living Word and the written Word in scripture:  I Peter 1:23,  Hebrews 4:13,  Revelation 6:9

We’re not talking about similarities or closeness, but of sameness, unity and equality:

  • Jesus is called “pure” in Job 4:17 & I John 3:3 The Word is called “pure” in Psalm 19:8 and Proverbs 30:5
  • Jesus is called “holy” in Revelation 3:7; The Word is called “holy” in II Timothy 3:15 and Romans 1:2
  • Jesus is called “perfect” in Hebrews 5:9 and Matthew 5:48; The Word is called “perfect” in Psalm 19:7 and James 1:25
  • Jesus is called “truth” in John 14:6; The Word is called “truth” in John 17:17

If God bothered to inspire his words for us and then went through all the trouble to preserve them perfectly-don’t you think this would be a very important issue to him?  Stay tuned, because I’ll be revealing specific bible versions that omit verses or have changed verses in others ways.

“Things that are different are NOT the same.”

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