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This month’s book selection from Master Books is Roy Lessin’s Today is Your Best Day, a book of devotional thoughts and applicable scriptures.  A variety of bible versions are used throughout this book so if you don’t like that you can always just look up the verses in your own bible as you go.

The foreward of this book was very touching and I’m glad I read it. If you get the book be sure you read it too. Its simply a powerful testimony from a widow of how much this book helped she and her husband see each of his last days as  “their Best Day” because of  God’s promises in Christ. This book will help you focus on what’s really important. The book influenced Jim Knorr so much that his wife had this to say… “While living through his illness, Jim’s own spiritual life and intense desire to relate to everyone he met and knew grew continuously. Today Is Your Best Day had an enormous influence on him. When God called Jim to heaven, we had shared this book with over 400 families.”

Jim and Linda’s sixth reading of the book straight-through came to an end on December 23, 2007. That day they were on the page about “Today is your best day because of forever.”  Jim went to be with the Lord that day. This chapter begins on page 173 of this re-release version of the book and includes a list of “reasons why “forever” is such a beautiful word”.  What a comfort to be reading on your last day on earth.

The very next chapter is “Because God is with You”, I thought what a great reminder for Linda to read immediately after her last chapter with her husband. Just another reminder that God loves his children and cares about the seemingly insignificant details.

There are a 192 pages and about 60 individual short devotionals in this book which retails at $14.99.

Find Today is Your Best Day on Amazon too.

Roy Lessin, co-founder of DaySpring, has been inspiring readers for more than 35 years through his writings for DaySpring Christian greeting cards and devotions.

Join us Mom-reviewers of Master Books for a Twitter Party for a chance to win a copy for yourself!


If you’re not already on Twitter you can sign up free here. Be sure to follow @masterbooks4u and @mamahall and use this hashtag #teachthetruth in all of your tweets so you can follow everyone’s conversation. Questions will be asked with hints to point you to the answers and winners will be chosen. The party should only last about 30 minutes!

Party Date:  March 22

Time:  8pm CST/9pm EST

Prizes:  hard copies & digital copies of Today is Your Best Day


 *I received a free hard copy of this book to review. Opinions are my own. My Amazon affiliate link is used in this post.
**Sharing this post at Crystal & Comp.
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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.