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My review this week brings you two products useful for Christians who desire to teach the truth to their friends and family about how God created the world and everything therein and how sin has affected everything.

The Day the World Went Wacky by Janine Suter

“Why do bad thing sometimes happen to me? (Like the time that my bottom got stung by a bee.) If God made the world, and He made it all good, Then why doesn’t everything work like it should?

That night at my house, I had had quite enough. I reached for the Bible to find out some stuff. I opened the cover to search for a clue, and there was the answer. I’ll tell it to you.”

Have you ever wondered what in the world is wrong with our world? “The Day the World Went Wacky” is an illustrated book telling that very story, answering that question. An illustrated book for kids of any age the author balances the seriousness of sin with a rhyme and biblical reason.


The Puzzle Globe

So this hard-plastic 60 pieceĀ  3D Earth puzzle is a bit advanced for sure but my boys who are 5 & 7 years old and well-experienced in Lego construction, drawing and puzzles in general took an interest in this Puzzle Globe. I had to help snap some of the pieces together and was sure to point out the numbers to my 5 yr old, but they took off with that thing. You can see the video below.

Just like the globe is constructed in order (each piece is numbered and has arrows pointing to the correct direction), even so God created our world in an orderly fashion. Our God is a God of order and He is not the author of confusion. I cannot believe that the world just came out of a big bang / chaotic explosion and somehow assembled itself by chance into a place of order. A place where if the position of the Earth was just off a little bit it would be impossible for life to even exist.


Party for Truth & Prizes!

Join me and the other Moms of Master Books for a Twitter Party for a chance to win a prize (see below):

February 21st 8pm CST/ 9pm EST

Follow this hashtag #teachthetruth

The Day the World Went Wacky by Janine Suter
Noahs Ark Floating Animal Park by Janine Suter
The Not So Super Skyscraper by Janine Suter
The Puzzle Globe

*As a Mom of Master Books Reviewer IĀ  received both of these items (The Day the World Went Wacky & The Puzzle Globe) to review. All opinions are mine.
**Also linking up at the Hip Homeschool Moms.
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