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I found two of these cinnamon brooms on sale at the store. I love scents and the price was right  and so… I bought them.

I hung one on the corner wall – a wall that separates two wide open rooms where the hallway also begins. I wanted to enjoy the cinnamon scent in the air. And I did, for a while. Then it became as if the broom stopped working at times. The scent was not so noticeable. Was the scent all used up or was it getting lost in the openness of where it was hung?

The other day my son, Jack, showed me that the broom came off the wall, separated from the loop that it had been hanging from; and so I decided to move it to the bathroom. I laid the broom across a window pane that sits above the register where the warm air, in wintertime, and cold air, in summer, blows.

And I noticed very soon after placing the broom in its new surroundings (a smaller room where breezes would blow upon it) that it began to fill the room with that wonderful cinnamon scent that it was created to do.

It got me thinking about the Christian life and how we shouldn’t get our “roots” so dug deep that its hard for God to move us. We are His and His plan for our life should be our plan for our life. However, often we don’t  know what that plan is. He may only reveal one step at a time, so as not to overwhelm us.  Likewise, I think if we are not faithful to obey in what is given, He may not show us more.

Maybe we will be called to serve as missionaries in a foreign land, maybe to help plant a new church, or maybe he will call us to stay put where we are even though all we want to do is move away.

I think our lives will make more sense, things will become clearer and we will live more abundantly if we will allow God to move us so He can use us as He sees fit.  After all, He made us and has given each of us certain gifts that serve a purpose. Who else knows better how those gifts are meant to be used and in what surroundings those gifts will bring Him the most pleasure and glory?

God does have a plan for Your life.

John 16:12 [Jesus said] “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.”


Maybe you don’t know God personally yet but you have questions about His existence. Here’s a free book for you from Mark Cahill. Request it from .  If you’re wondering why you need a Savior, I recommend you take the Good Test to find out why.

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