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Here’s a few ideas for using charts.



{On the side, thats my Missions Map from Voice of the Martyrs. I added some of our church’s missionaries to it as well. We haven’t really been using it in school yet, but I am planning to have the kids start writing/ drawing pictures to our missionaries soon.}

Our Daily Goal chart is simply cardstock that I’ve broken down into five days highlighting our “Subject of the Day”. The chart is slid into a sheet protector and I use a dry-erase marker to write down my goals for learning that day. That way I can erase it and write new goals later.



For “Part 2” I’ll show you my Reading/ Reading Activity charts for the boys.

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*If you’d like to know where I got my FREE printable “Skip Counting” charts- they came from Jolanthe’s site: Homeschool Creations. She has other free printables there too.  You can search for the “Skip Counting”charts by visiting the blog part of her website here.

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