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Lately I’ve been showing you some of “my” homeschooling tips.  Last week was Part 1 of Using Charts.  Now- I’m no expert, this is just my second year homeschooling our boys who are in Second Grade and Kindergarten.


One thing I’ve found is that methods change very easily here at our house. What’s working today, may not work in a few weeks. With that said, these charts have been working for us as long as I guide the boys through their tasks. For now, this system is a keeper at our house 🙂 .


Sticker Charts for Reading Goals & Assignments



Brendan is in 2nd Grade, Jack is in Kindergarten. Jack isn’t reading yet- just learning sight words and doing other “reading” prep activities. In the chart above I would let Brendan add one sticker to his chart for each book (at his reading level)  he read or after he read several “below his level” books.  Sometimes he also got to add a sticker for his bible reading that day too.


Jack does lessons and other reading prep assignments and he gets a sticker for each of those as a rule.


When their charts were filled to certain point they received a reward.


Then I took a different approach for Brendan’s reading goals.

After Brendan’s first chart was filled I changed the goals for his second chart. I want him to focus more on reading chapter books.



I’ve picked out a couple books and listed each on a separate line followed by a number for each chapter he had to read. He puts a sticker on that chapter number when the assignment is completed.


Having these charts will also serve as a record of  his reading and I’ll punch holes in it or put it in a page protector sleeve and stick it in his 2nd Grade notebook I’m building for his end of year assessment (which also becomes a keepsake of his 2nd grade year 😉 ).

 Our Morning Task Sticker Chart


Sticker Chore Chart idea for kids.


Simply put, when the boys finish all 5 tasks (Jack just listens as Brendan reads the bible)  they get a sticker for that day.  Having these charts really helps me, sometimes more than it might help them I suppose. Now if I can just get the boys to do these things with my prodding 🙂 .


I need to be looking ahead to find more chapter books at Brendan’s level. If you have any suggestions, he’s in 2nd grade, I’d love to read them. And I’d be interested in reading about your methods to getting your kids on any type of routine.

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