Off-grid pantry planner


One thing I’ve learned in life is to not take safety and health for granted! Though I do take good health for granted more often than I should, I’m reminded daily to pray for protection over my family and myself. Below are a few examples in my life where myself and my family could have been in danger. Only God really knows what could have befallen us during these times.

A near miss…


Several weeks ago my boys and I were in traffic slowing down for a red light when a small pick up truck whipped around the side of our van where there was not enough room for another vehicle. Somehow this pickup truck seemed to avoid hitting us but blew out two of his tires.  Somehow he was able to get in front of us, pull into the gas station and we did too. He said his brakes had failed.


A helping hand (in more ways than one?)…


Then about two weeks ago the boys and I were driving through a city park nearby when my tire went flat. I had to pull over. I was on a curve in the road of the park. As I was on the cell phone calling roadside service I happened to look up and was shocked to see a man standing by my car window. I told him we were fine. He said he could help with the tire ( his wife was running the track there and I guess he was just waiting for her).


I accepted the help but stayed vigilant about the situation.  I did see his wife (with jogging stroller) and I called my husband to let him know what was going on. Then another man showed up.


The first man was having trouble getting the tire loose from under the van and the second man seemed to know how to do it.


When the job was done the couple (and their baby in the jogging stroller) started to walk away but man #2 lowered his voice and began to say he wasn’t from around “here” and really needed to leave and was looking for some help.


Thankfully, the wife of the other man  was looking my way and I silently motioned to her to wait. She did. I told man #2 I didn’t have any money (and let me just say I did NOT want him asking me for a ride anywhere). I’m not opposed to helping others, but I knew better than to let that happen just for the sake of being safe!


“Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:” Isaiah 59:1

“Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon him: for he careth for you.” I Peter 5:6-7


A divine appointment…


About 10 years ago I was working in sales for a cemetery providing pre-need and at-need services. I did a home presentation in another city about a half hour or so away from home. I was meeting with an older couple. Through our conversing we discovered we knew some of the same people. This couple were Christians as I am and there’s just something special you feel when meeting with other people who know the Lord.


Long story short, after our meeting I headed home- it was late and dark…around 10pm. My car broke down. I walked to the closest house  and they let me use their phone. I was able to call the couple I’d just met.  My car could not be fixed that night and so, I became their guest.  In the morning the Mrs. made me pancakes for breakfast and I found out at some point that they had my car sent to a repair shop (that of a  man also being a Christian who knew some of the same people I knew) and it didn’t end up costing me much money.


[My connection to these folks did not end that night. My husband and I, while dating, went back to visit these folks for dinner, eventually, and the Mrs. has been over to our house once or twice, her husband passed away years ago.]


I could go on about the risky situations I’ve found myself in from my apartment being broken into to lack of money or broken down cars. But God has always taken care of me!


“But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.  And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.” Psalm 37:39-40


Do you know the Lord? There’s no relationship in the world like the one you can have with Him, He is the God of the universe! Its not about religion, its about admitting the truth that you are a sinner separated from God, believing that Jesus Christ (God’s Son) died for your sins to pay your sin debt, He was buried, He rose from the dead and by putting your trust in Him for salvation you can know Him and spend eternity with Him in heaven after after death. If you are not sure whether you are  a sinner I encourage you to take The Good Test.

Also linking at Mom’s the Word.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.