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What’s summer without some frozen goodies?!  Have you seen some of the new frozen treat flavors that have come out from Breyers, Popsicle and Klondike?

I received free coupons for one of each of the Unilever frozen foods you see pictured here. The Breyer’s Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup ice cream was the first to go and as you can see the White House Cherry Klondike bars were soon to follow.

Did you know Klondike also comes in Caramal Pretzel?!!  Oh, yes. We haven’t tried it yet, but it may happen soon now that I know it exists.


3 readers will win a prize package of 3 coupons each for one FREE product by each of these brands!

Mandatory Entry:

  • Leave a comment below telling me what you love about one or all 3 of these frozen treat  brands or what you’d do with so many yummy treats in your freezer this summer!

After you do the Mandatory Entry above, you can do any one or all of the items below but you MUST, MUST, MUST 😉 leave a “separate” comment here at the blog telling me what you did. Each separate comment stating which assignment you followed through with counts as an entry.

Increase your chances to Win! For Extra Entries:

–   Subscribe and confirm all the way through to my email or RSS updates. This just means you get my updates delivered to you.

–   Follow @Popsicle on Twitter

–   Follow  @Klondikebar on Twitter

–   Follow @Breyers on Twitter

  • Bonus! Tweet the following message on Twitter (copy/paste that entire line below in bold) and leave me a comment here telling me you did!  You can get ONE extra comment/entry per day for Tweeting this message once per day on Twitter!

Hey @tzdelar – I really want to win the @popsicle @klondikebar @breyers prize package at ! #hofm

Giveaway begins tonight Thursday, July 7th and ends Friday, July 15th at 11:59pm EST.  3 winners will be chosen by random. I use a wordpress plugin to draw winners.

*I received full value coupons for the three frozen treats you see above from Unilever.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.