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A little over a year ago my oldest (then aged 5 1/2 years old) was diagnosed with Amblyopia. He has one eye that is significantly weaker than the other and we only have till he is about 10 years old to change that. Amblyopia is also referred to as “lazy eye”.  However, the eye doesn’t have to appear lazy to be weak. Brendan’s eye weakness wasn’t detected until a vision test was performed in kindergarten which led to a formal eye test at our family doctor’s which led to a visit to a Pediatric Opthalmalogist who diagnosed Brendan with Amblyopia.

We started out with just eye glasses, but once the doctor realized that that was not enough we moved to patching his good eye to make his weak eye work harder.

Camille from sent me a custom made eye patch to review (for free). The patch is made  from felt and is washable/reuseable and comes with our choice of applique or you can now get a surface that is “sticker friendly”.

A couple months back we lost our patch. I went to Walmart to find something temporary and – truly, that is all I found.  Neither item I bought was a good fit for us.  I finally contacted Frame Huggers again and ordered and paid for myself- a new patch. That’s how satisfied I am with her product.

The patches cost about $20 and shipping is about $3.  Brendan chose a  blue patch with a Spiderman applique that was then custom made to fit his glasses. These patches are washable, therefore reusable;  you get  full eye occlusion with all peripheral vision covered; they are quality inspected to be the best cloth patches available and you can see the rest of the benefits at their site, including, Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back.

Frame Huggers has other products to help you succeed in patching your “hard to patch” child such as stuffed animals that  also wear a matching patch.  Some children will not welcome patching. I was fortunate that my child is okay with it.

If your child has been diagnosed with an optical problem requiring patching, I recommend you contact Frame Huggers.

*Sharing this post at a Wise Woman link-up.

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Tracy Zdelar

Owner/Editor at Hall of Fame Moms
Tracy is now a veteran homeschool mom and focuses more on self-publishing Bible based workbooks for children, teens and adults as well as works outside the home part-time as a job coach and substitute school teacher. ***See all of her books by clicking on her name in this Bio.