…God blessed Lee and Shannon with a baby boy named Samuel.
I know Lee and Shannon personally from church and got her permission to share their story with you on my blog. But I only wanted to give you a little bit. I want you to read their story as shared by their professional photographer/ friend Christina of Grace Designs Photography in Massillon, Ohio.
Christina did Shannon’s belly pictures prior to Samuel’s birth. You’ll be able to see those pictures as well at the post where you’ll read their story.
If you are familiar with the heartache of miscarriage and pain of years of waiting and loss, I hope you will find new hope in their story.
God has a plan and He cares about us, even when our circumstances tell us otherwise.
By the way, Samuel was born on Mother’s Day. How’s that for timing 😉
Read their story and see their pictures here.
I love this story! God is so faithful and His timing is so perfect. I am so happy for this sweet couple!
What an Awesome day to bring a miracle into the world from the LORD.